Why we built sales intelligence tool to track company business news at scale

Success in professional services requires to build long-lasting engagement and trust with the clients. Marketing automation software blasting thousands of emails every three months will simply not cut it.

David Clarke

Any professional services business is a sales business

As anyone in the professional services knows, it does not matter if you are a lawyer, advertising executive, management consultant, market research specialist, or a financial advisor – at the end of the day you are also a sales executive.

Success in such a business requires to employ an extreme form of Account Based Marketing (ABM) philosophy. To build long-lasting engagement and trust, one needs to know their clients well, keep in touch regularly, and appear knowledgeable with each highly tailored contact. Marketing automation software blasting thousands of emails will simply not cut it.

Google Alerts News is a good start if you have 10-20 clients (and don’t want more)

The first step to the management of customer relationships is very straightforward – set up Google Alerts, which is a simple free tool for monitoring media to track company news. News alerts emails will make sure you know what is happening with your clients, and will enable you to reach out at the right time with highly tailored messages.

What if you want to track 100 or 200 prospects and get their business news alerts?

This is where things get out of hand quickly. You will need to set up and update your media monitoring list manually (be it Google Alerts, news feed software, or a news aggregator website), which sounds like a lot of work. It is - I tried.

What is even worse, Google Alerts will send email alerts about any mentions of a company name. People selling market research reports know that. Every day they push out “press releases” about “new” market research reports, which list every single company on earth, and will inevitably end up in your mailbox.

You will also get accidental name matches, listicles, how-to articles, repeated news, and other lower-value content. At the end of the day, only 5-10% of all alerts will be what you might care about. If you want to track 100 companies – this will easily become a 1000 items news digest.

Clutterless is a HubSpot-integrated business and market intelligence monitoring tool, to track company business news at scale, and get condensed actionable insights alerts by email

When building our sales enablement tool – we had three goals in mind: (i) integrated CRM solution, (ii) providing focused insights, (iii) that are relevant for successful business relationship management:

  • Zero manual work – unless you want to type in hundreds of company names, the solution must be fully integrated into a CRM system. We launched with HubSpot but other integrations are on the way. You will not need to retype in a single company name – set a relevant filter and we will retrieve the list of companies to track automatically. You can track prospects, customers, partners, or even competitors. Your filters can be based on HubSpot lead status, type of the company, number of open deals, or engagement frequency.

  • Focused and actionable insights – we use Artificial Intelligence models to sort out all available news and bring up only a few selected items per company. Our AI tools are focused on highlighting corporate finance (M&A, funding, IPO), business development (product launches, expansions, new clients and partnerships), hiring announcements, financial results, and awards.

  • Relevant for highly tailored outreach – sending one email congratulating on a new product launch or asking about the latest regional expansion might get you closer to landing a new consulting or a legal work contract, than thousands of automated emails. Moreover, all business growth announcements can also serve as buyer signals for purchasing intent.

All information is packaged into daily or weekly emails with the extended newsletter version available online.

You can also use Clutterless news tracking tool as a competitor intelligence tool

Mark companies in your HubSpot account with a pre-selected property or assign them to the same “company type” and get competitors insights and competitive intel to your email.

Clutterless can be used as a free alerts tool for news monitoring of up to 20 companies. In a free version you would receive weekly news digests.

Track 20 companies for free